We were at the 8th Annual Summer Spectacular in Portland, Maine this past weekend. Despite the 90 degree temperatures outside, the air conditioning inside did a great job of keeping everyone cool. The large venue left lots of room to move around and competitors had ample space to warm up and squeeze in last-minute practice.
I had a great time, visiting with old friends and reconnecting with folks I hadn't spoken with in years. I was saddened to learn of the passing of a man I once looked up to, but happy that his students have kept the dojo going. It's always a sad day when a great instructor passes on, but all we can hope for is that the students love the school enough to keep it going.

We completely sold out of t-shirts! Looks like another order is in the cards for this week. Sales of gear were above average and I was thrilled with how many people had already known about whistlekick and what we're trying to do. I even got to meet some of our Facebook friends that I'd only been able to type with before. This is the best part of social media.
Finally, the pushup contest was awesome. We had a record number of participants and record scores in 3 of the 4 divisions. The Men's division went back and forth a few times, finally ending with one newcomer putting out 82 pushups in his second attempt. Excellent job.
And we even had our youngest participant...

A big thank you to Sensei Andy Campbell and Dragon Fire Martial Arts for the hospitality!