Contact Us
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If you're looking to get in touch with us, we're available (and we’d love to connect with you).
For one thing, we’d love to know what you think of our products, services, events, and content. At whistlekick, we put our customers’ needs to the forefront. We value how you think about everything we make.

We would never put out products that we wouldn’t use ourselves. So please, drop us a line to let us know what you think. Warm, enthusiastic product testimonials and helpful suggestions are both welcome and much appreciated. And if we’ve done something wrong, we hope you’ll give us the opportunity to fix it.
Use the contact form if you have any questions or concerns about our products. You can also check our FAQ for more information or About page for our return policy.
Whistlekick, LLC
EMAIL (preferred)
888-308-2221 (voicemail only, we'll call you back)
Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, YouTube, and Instagram
ADDRESS (mailing only, no public access)
34 Blair Park Road
Suite 104-200
Williston, VT 05495
Just Our Way of Saying Thanks
We appreciate you spending some time on our website today. It is only because of the support from martial artists like you that we've been able to grow as quickly as we have. Overwhelming support for our products has caused our business to expand all over the country as well as internationally.
Aside from providing quality sparring gear and apparel, it is also our goal to continuously grow the community of martial arts devotees who will propel the sports and arts to greater heights - o be appreciated by generations to come.
As practitioners and enthusiasts, we have the great privilege and responsibility to show the world what martial arts have to offer, and that every kick, punch, and strike means so much more than just basic martial arts moves.
Yes, it is a responsibility. But it’s one we are more than willing and excited to take. As diligent students of the arts, we’ve seen firsthand what the arts can do and how it has positively impacted our lives. This very desire has prompted many extraordinary initiatives - Whistlekick, LLC included.
We promise you, our friends in the martial arts, that we'll continue to support this passion that resonates for all of us. All we ask in return is that you treat the martial arts, and other martial artists, with the respect and love that has kept our traditions alive as long as they have.
Together, we can do great things.