Wholesale Sparring Gear and Bulk Martial Arts Sparring Gear
Everything We Do For Individuals, We Do For Schools, Too!
Wholesale? Yes! We do offer wholesale sparring gear with terms favorable martial arts schools, dojos, studios, and dojangs as well as martial art supply stores and resellers. We work closely with our wholesale partners to make sure that they're successful in selling whistlekick products. It's not about affiliate codes or multi-level-marketing. It's just about martial artists helping each other out.
No Minimum Orders
To that end, we've done away with minimum orders and low margins.In a time where most karate / kungfu / taekwondo / etc schools are barely making any money on the products they sell, whistlekick offers a product that students can't find everywhere else. In fact, you can probably sell whistlekick wholesale sparring gear and make twice as much money as you are now with other, low-quality products.
Highest Quality Products
Not to mention, we offer better quality sparring gear and attractive branded apparel. By offering your students and customers better products, you'll see more loyalty and better retention. Studies show the typical new customer acquisition is 13x more expensive than retaining an existing customer, which makes selling whistlekick wholesale sparring gear good economic sense.
Easy Ordering
And we'll never require you to call in your order - simply log in and pay online. Just quality martial arts equipment at a fair wholesale price.
Once you're ready to sign up for our wholesale program, please email us with:
Your Name
Your school's name
Your School Phone Number
Your Website
Some proof of documentation. This can be a state license, tax certificate, dba filing. Anything that validates your school.
Send this information to: info@whistlekick.com with the subject Wholesale Application.