Busy Fall Season Upon Us

Just one of the fun, original pieces we put out over social media. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. We're Just one of the fun, original pieces we put out over social media. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. We're "whistlekick" everywhere!

There are days when I take a look at all of the things we've got going on and it's a bit overwhelming. We're planning two events for next year already - one our tournament on April 2nd (stay tuned for more information, but save the date!) and something potentially bigger that we're not ready to discuss. On top of that, we've got quite a few tournaments and seminars scheduled for the final leg of the 2015 whistlekick Tour.

We're overhauling our display for those events, we've added new products to our online store and we're starting to roll out more instructional seminars. Our Superfoot seminar video is now available for purchase... you get the idea. We're busy!

As often can happen when you're busy, you forget things. You forget why you do what you do and how great things are. I can honestly say I love my job - founding whistlekick is one of the best things I've ever done! It's allowed me to meet some absolutely wonderful people and help produce products that make martial artists happy. What's better than that?

Hopefully everyone is enjoying their autumn season, whether you're in the northeast with me wondering when the leaves will change, or you're somewhere warmer. 

Train hard, smile, and have a great day!

Jeremy Lesniak
Founder of whistlekick

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