Just an Update

The first things you notice about a superfoot seminar are the genuine enjoyment mr. Wallace has of teaching and his amazing sense of humor. The first things you notice about a superfoot seminar are the genuine enjoyment mr. Wallace has of teaching and his amazing sense of humor.

Since these blog posts usually come out after tournaments, it's been a few weeks since you've seen one. While many organizations publish updates for the sake of publishing updates, we try not to do that. We update you when there's something worth reporting, and today there is.

For those of you that follow us on social media, particularly Facebook, you may have seen the photos we posted of Superfoot Bill Wallace on Friday. He was in New England for a seminar and a mutual friend invited me to meet the legend and introduce him to what we do at whistlekick. 

Mr. Wallace (Right) and mr. dow showing off their new whistlekick original sparring boots. Quite the honor for us. Mr. Wallace (Right) and mr. dow showing off their new whistlekick original sparring boots. Quite the honor for us.

I have to confess - I was nervous. I've met some impressive people in the past, even spoken to, emailed and worked with some celebrities. I was never as nervous as I was meeting this man. That didn't last too long, though, because he's one of the nicest, funniest people I've ever met. 

He even invited us to stick around for dinner and sit in on his seminar. Such an honor.

The seminar was great, and I learned quite a bit. This would be an appropriate time to announce that whistlekick is cosponsoring a Superfoot seminar on August 16th. This was just solidifed on Friday, another reason I met up with Mr. Wallace. We'll have a lot more details for you when we can. The other half of the event promotion is Huzon Alexander and Alexander's Martial Arts. We're hoping to knock out a lot of details in the next couple weeks so everyone can make their plans. This will be an amazing event.

I gifted Mr. Wallace and his student, Mr. Dow, a set of whistlekick boots each. Without asking them, they wore them during the seminar. Maybe this is trivial to some of you, but we watched Superfoot Bill Wallace kick people wearing whistlekick boots! I have to be explicit here and say that Mr. Wallace was in no way endorsing the boots to the seminar attendees. He chose to wear them, and did say that he liked them, though. However you slice it, that's pretty awesome.

is there a bigger honor than this? a kind man and an amazing martial artist. a true class act.  is there a bigger honor than this? a kind man and an amazing martial artist. a true class act. 

We had dinner after and just chatted. His sense of humor and commanding presence are every bit as impressive as his kicking prowess. I got home quite late, but it was completely worth it.

One other announcement, we'll be short staffed the end of this week, so orders may take an additional day or two to process and get out the door. Apologies to everyone in advance.

That's all for now. Thanks for reading!



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