From our beginning, we've sought to bring you the best. Whenever we work on a new product, we consider how we can make it better. For the last few months we've been looking at how we can improve our colors. We've ended up with something that you're going to love.
Our new process, which we're calling UniqueDip, means that we can combine multiple colors in a way that makes every piece of sparring gear a bit different. Slight variations in the way the color applies to the gear means that your sparring gear will be disticnctive - just as you are. While you may train side by side with dozens, or even hundreds, of other martial artists as you train, your personal style is a bit different from each of theirs. UniqueDip gear mimics that individuality and gives you gear that you can identify with.
Our first UniqueDip colorway is named Horizon - it's a mix of blue and white. Not only is it, awesome we think you'll agree there's nothing else like it. Check out the photos below and grab yours soon - we expect our initial run to disappear quickly. What color combinations would you like to see in the future? Shoot us an email at to let us know.